Professional Medical Supply Service Areas
For years, Legacy Scientific has been committed to providing medical supply solutions for next-generation medical companies and practitioners looking to gain an edge in their respective fields.
From eager medical practitioners to pulmonary thoracic surgeons to hospitals to home health care and hospice agencies, we aim to deliver quality professional medical supply to a variety of growing, enthusiastic providers.
Now, after partnering with some of the leading individual medical device and medical diagnostic companies, we can provide the most innovative market-ready medical supplies to providers in the southern continental United States as well as Hawai’i and Alaska.
We are proud to offer our partners’ professional medical supplies in the following areas:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawai’i
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- Oklahoma
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
Schedule an appointment with Legacy Scientific today to see how we can aid in your medical supply in these markets.
The Legacy Difference
With Legacy Scientific, you can receive revolutionary, easy-to-use technology to improve your clinic’s overall efficiency and bottom line.
Our elite network of trusted medical supply partners provide a range of medical diagnostic solutions, such as:
- Airway Managment: See how Next Medical can be your answer to laryngoscopy with the Combi all-in-one disposable scope set.
- Urological Supplies: Rocket Medical is the leading provider of catheter supplies for use at home or in the clinic. Learn about the versatile, trustworthy Rocket Medical catheters and receive exceptional customer service and reliability.
- Spirometry Machine: The PulmOne MiniBox+ is the world’s first desktop, gasless spirometry machine. With an easy-to-use desktop interface and accurate lung volume measurement and function testing, PulmOne can help you in any clinical setting.
- Lung Cancer Detection: The Oncimmune EarlyCDT lung cancer detection test is designed to speed up the diagnostic process and complement traditional CT scans to help with treatment and proper intervention.
- Radiology Supply: From apparel to creams, BloxR radiation prevention products can assist with minimizing radiation exposure for doctors specializing in image-guided medicine.